Book Delivery Services

Home Delivery

This service provides library materials to Mason County residents of any age who cannot use the library due to a physical disability or illness. Individuals qualifying for the service include those who are unable to use the library due to a personal or physical limitation, whether a physical disability, handicap, illness, advanced age, short-term convalescence, or illness resulting in limited mobility, such as cardiac or arthritic conditions.

In addition, Nursing Homes, Senior Daycare Centers and Elderly Housing Complexes may request drop-off service. For more information or to see if you or your agency qualifies, contact Heaven Greene at 606-564-3286 or by email at


Fill out the form below to get started!

library2go van
Mailing Address
What age group(s) are the materials for?
What type(s) of material(s) do you prefer?
Do you prefer large print format materials?
Which do you prefer?
What genre(s) do you like most?